Gods and Monsters – Lana Del Rey


In the land of gods and monsters
I was an angel
Living in the garden of evil
Screwed up, scared, doing anything that I needed
Shining like a fiery beacon
You got that medicine I need
Fame, liquor, love, give it to me slowly
Put your hands on my waist, do it softly
Me and God we don’t get along, so now I sing
No one’s gonna take my soul away
Living like Jim Morrison
Headed towards a fucked up holiday
Motel, sprees, sprees, and I’m singing
Fuck yeah give it to me, this is heaven, what I truly want
It’s innocence lost
Innocence lost
In the land of gods and monsters
I was an angel, lookin’ to get fucked hard
Like a groupie incognito posing as a real singer
Life imitates art
You got that medicine I need
Dope, shoot it up straight to the heart please
I don’t really wanna know what’s good for me
God’s dead, I said ‘baby that’s alright with me’
No one’s gonna take my soul away
Living like Jim Morrison
Headed towards a fucked up holiday
Motel, sprees, sprees, and I’m singing
Fuck yeah give it to me, this is heaven, what I truly want
It’s innocence lost
Innocence lost
When you talk it’s like a movie and you’re making me crazy
‘Cause life imitates art
If I get a little prettier, can I be your baby?
You tell me life isn’t that hard
No one’s gonna take my soul away
I’m living like Jim Morrison
Headed towards a fucked up holiday
Motel, sprees, sprees, and I’m singing
Fuck yeah, give it to me, this is heaven, what I truly want
It’s innocence lost
Innocence lost

Appunti sparsi,

Di giorni che vanno,

Biglietti di treni veloci,

Con il corpo che per raggiungerli,


Trascina tutto preso da un vortice,

Anche l’Anima,

Resta rapita dal vento,

Mentre ti mescoli al mondo.

Ti soffermi per un attimo,

E respiri piano,

Soltanto quando ritorni ai ricordi,

E’ come ritornare a casa,

Dopo un lungo e interminabile viaggio,

Assaporare il profumo caldo d’un abbraccio,

Il calore sincero d’un sorriso,

L’odore del caffè appena macinato.

E mentre sogni,

I tuoi occhi sono già ritornati nel vento,

E resta un brivido addosso,

Un disegno,

Una carezza invisibile,

Che ti ha appena sfiorato la schiena.

Giuseppe La Mura giu 2024
testo: copyright legge 22 Aprile 1941 n°633
photo: Web